Garrison Benson: Writer and Podcaster

Featured Poetry

Seagull Point

At sunrise, you call to us.
At sunset, you call to us.
We part-time pilgrims,
lunch break contemplatives,
half-hearted seekers—
you welcome us without complaint.


The Beloved herself
is incidental—
neither Heaven nor the Way,
just a white rabbit passing by, living
her life, luring you
into freefall. Maybe she becomes
your lover, maybe your dearest friend,
maybe not, maybe

The Placebo Magick Podcast

Magick is pretend... and pretending is powerful! On the Placebo Magick Podcast we explore imaginative self-care and spiritual practice through casting spells, performing rituals, reading Tarot cards, communing with fictional beings, and delving into ancient or pop culture mythologies... all while remaining grounded in a science-based skeptical atheist worldview.

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